Registration fees
The registration fee includes 2 coffee breaks, 1 dinner (14 October), and accommodation (including breakfast) from 14 to 15 October (1 night) at Grand Hotel Vesuvio; city tax at € 3.00 per night per person is not included and must be paid at check out by each participant. The costs are indicated below. Deadline for payment: 7 September 2018.
Single room package
Double room package
Triple room package
*VAT-exempt transactions pursuant to art.4 DPR 633/72.
**VAT included. |
ABCD Members |
€ 200.00* |
€ 160.00* |
€ 140.00* |
Other participants |
€ 260.10** |
€ 220.00** |
€ 200.10** |
If, to benefit from the reduced rate, you plan to apply for a membership, please remember that you must do so strictly before 6 September 2018. Applications for membership that reach the ABCD after that date will be normally processed, but you will not be able to benefit from the reduced fee for this meeting.
For details on memberships, visit the ABCD website.
N.B. Registration fee payments received after the deadline (7 September 2018) will be subject to a late payment charge of € 30, which will be added to the total cost. In this case, please note that accommodation will not be guaranteed.
Payment is possible by credit card or bank transfer. Further details about the payment procedure is available through your personal myMTOB.
N.B. The payment date is considered as the date in which payment is credited to the ABCD account (not when the payment procedure is initiated; please take this into consideration, especially if your payment is being processed by your administration).
Before processing the payment, please determine whether you have specific billing requirements.
Please decide to whom your registration costs must be billed to and make sure that you have all the required information: address, VAT number or fiscal code (codice fiscale, for Italians only), etc.
The ABCD will be unable to modify the invoice should the details provided be incorrect or outdated.
Electronic invoicing for Italian public administrations (only for non ABCD members!)
If the invoice has to be issued to an office of the Italian public administration (e.g., your Department, your University, etc), you need to follow the procedure for electronic invoicing: in this case, before proceeding with the payment, contact the ABCD secretariat at segreteria@abcd-it.org to receive further instructions.
Payment must be made by the public administration/institution upon receiving the electronic invoice issued by the ABCD and before the payment deadline; please take administrative delays into account.
Cancellations and refunds
Cancellations with a refund request must be sent by e-mail to the secretariat and must be accompanied by a valid justification. Refunds will be decided case by case by the organisers. If accepted, cancellations within 7 September 2018 will be refunded fully, minus an administrative charge of 30 EUR; cancellations within 14 September 2018 will be refunded only by 50% of the total package price; no refunds will be provided after 14 September 2018.
Abstracts guidelines
Abstracts are accepted exclusively after registration, through your personal myMTOB page (you will need to register to have access to this page).
Only one abstract per participant is allowed. The abstract should be submitted by the presenting author only.
Abstracts guidelines:
- the title must start in uppercase and continue in lowercase, except for conventional terms (ATP, DNA, NFκB, etc).
- if more than one author, underline your name (the presenting author, in whatever position you appear in the author list) and use commas to separate the names; do not use 'and' before the last author. The presenting author's first name(s) and surname should be written in full; for all other authors, write first name(s) as initials and surname in full. If more than one affiliation, use sequential superscript numbers to identify each institution.
- the abstract text must be no longer than 2000 characters, spaces included (which is roughly equivalent to 250 words).
The abstract submission deadline is 7 September 2018. The organisers will then review the received abstracts for oral or poster presentations.
Travel Fellowships
Junior scientists (under 35 years) who will attend both the MTOB Meeting and the FEBS Golgi Meeting are eligible for an ABCD-sponsored travel fellowship. Awardees will be notified at least a month in advance of the meetings. The request for this fellowship can be made during the registration procedure. Please note that candidates will be evaluated only after payment of the registration fee.